McGuire McGuire2018-03-26 09:22:032018-03-26 09:22:03Rockport, MA Disposes of Flat Fee in Favor of More Fair Utility Pricing
A Boston-based television news program dedicates an entire episode to the solid waste crisis and looks at how some cities and towns are battling it–including pay-as-you-throw.
The central Maine city has also cut trash tonnage by 50% and increased the recycling rate by almost 50%. Mayor: “The savings from the PAYT program have had a positive impact on the city’s tax rate, which benefits all of our taxpayers.” McGuire McGuire2016-03-07 15:05:562016-03-07 15:06:06Brewer, Maine, Official Says Pay-as-You-Throw Program Has Saved $370,000 in Five Years
A column written for Governing magazine by the president of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance on how pay-as-you-throw can help cities increase their recycling and save money. McGuire McGuire2016-02-22 15:39:242016-02-25 15:40:02Gold in the Garbage: How Recycling Rates Could Be a Lot Higher
“Most people in communities with pay-as-you-throw programs responded that it was ‘easier to comply’ than they thought it would be, and most considered the costs ‘fair,’ the survey results state.” McGuire McGuire2015-09-11 21:31:312015-12-02 21:37:11Waterville, Maine, Pay-as-You-Throw Said to Have Saved $164,000 in First Year
Business Insider Today Feature On Pay-As-You-Throw
/in Uncategorized /by April McGuireRockport, MA Disposes of Flat Fee in Favor of More Fair Utility Pricing
/in Best Practices, Massachusetts, Uncategorized /by April McGuireOn March 22nd, commissioners unanimously approved a switch to a universal pay-as-you-throw system.
Chronicle Trash Talk
/in Best Practices, Massachusetts, PAYT Results /by April McGuireA Boston-based television news program dedicates an entire episode to the solid waste crisis and looks at how some cities and towns are battling it–including pay-as-you-throw.
Brewer, Maine, Official Says Pay-as-You-Throw Program Has Saved $370,000 in Five Years
/in Maine, PAYT Results /by April McGuireThe central Maine city has also cut trash tonnage by 50% and increased the recycling rate by almost 50%. Mayor: “The savings from the PAYT program have had a positive impact on the city’s tax rate, which benefits all of our taxpayers.”
Gold in the Garbage: How Recycling Rates Could Be a Lot Higher
/in Uncategorized /by April McGuireA column written for Governing magazine by the president of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance on how pay-as-you-throw can help cities increase their recycling and save money.
Brattleboro, Vt., to Reduce Curbside Garbage Collection
/in Uncategorized /by April McGuireAfter six months of pay-as-you-throw, the city will be saving an additional $100,000 per year by moving to every-other-week garbage collection.
An Early Adopter Of Universal Recycling Programs, Brattleboro, Vt., Is Saving Money
/in Uncategorized /by April McGuireTown manager: “The magnitude of those changes and how quickly that fell into place really is impressive.”
Vermont “Leading North America” With Act 148
/in Uncategorized /by April McGuireAlso known as the “pay-as-you-throw law,” the new statute is already demonstrating positive results.
University of Maine Survey Shows Pay-as-You-Throw Trash Disposal Boosts Recycling
/in Uncategorized /by April McGuire“Most people in communities with pay-as-you-throw programs responded that it was ‘easier to comply’ than they thought it would be, and most considered the costs ‘fair,’ the survey results state.”
Waterville, Maine, Pay-as-You-Throw Said to Have Saved $164,000 in First Year
/in Uncategorized /by April McGuireTrash tonnage fell by 54%.